
The application of LED Lights 2

The application of LED Lights 2


5, Commercial theatre stage, television studio dancing, photography

LED light sources in the indoor lighting applications, to the theater, studio lighting environment interpretation of a new concept. As first-class British TV, GMTV will instead of color changing LED studio lighting, lighting energy use to reduce more than 60%, the studio temperature also dropped to a more comfortable level.

6, hotel, restaurant, coffee shop

Using LED products, create a superior grade feeling to customers. In addition, saving energy, showing luxury and warmth. For owners, LED light to create a personalized environment can fully reveal the strength of the enterprise.

7, Conference room, function room

Intelligent control of the LED lighting, can be adjusted in the meeting rooms and multi-function hall special atmosphere according to conference contents of different lighting environment. Serious or lively can be freely set, LED intelligent lighting can meet the needs of different meetings on the subject light environment.

8, Exhibitions and fashion show stage

The exhibition, fashion shows, is the site of the merchants display their products and services. For merchants, in order to attract customers, promote goods and eventually reached a cooperation agreement, they need personalized light environment to display their products and services. LED have a great advantage in the field of exhibition and fashion show lighting.

The application of LED Lights 2

