
The applications of LED Lights

The applications of LED Lights

Application of LED Lights, LED lights almost can replace all of traditional light, and have a good performance on some lighting area such as shoping mall, museum…And no doubt that, future lighting will be LED lighting. Follows the application of LED lights.

1, Indoor commercial lighting: high grade stores, shopping malls…

LED light source with the advantage of energy saving, no ultraviolet ray, eco-friendly, meets business show personalized light environment psychology. Become the first choice of most businessmen on the preference of some special product display light source.
LED light scope of a full spectrum of colour is very suitable for foil the atmosphere of the stores and malls. LED light source has a good performance in the local lighting, accent lighting and regional lighting. Can create high quality light environment, which is very suitable for commercial lighting domain. The benefit is traditional light source can’t reach.

2, Entertainment, beauty salon lighting

Integrated LED light source with extensive features easy to control, which can create static and dynamic lighting effect. From the white light to the full spectrum of any color, they can apply colours to a drawing gives a strong entertainment atmosphere. The appearance of leds to the space environment decoration design opens up a new design idea.

3,Bars, coffee shops and other places of leisure mood lighting

LED light source is small in size, solid state luminescence, which gave the lighting manufacturer of comprehensive design space. Lighting factory can make all kinds of different styles of professional LED lighting. At the same time, LED’s broad spectrum of any color and dynamic and static decorative lighting effects, making it functional performance in this kind of place to get incisively and vividly.

4, Museums, art galleries and other professional areas

Venues such as museums, art galleries, belong to the extraordinary occasion of higher requirements on lighting environment. The particularity of its display items require lighting light source, no ultraviolet, no thermal radiation. LED cold light source, no ultraviolet light, can completely satisfy the museum and art gallery on the special requirements of lighting

The application of LED Lights (1)

